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As reflected by the professions of our members, this is an association of multiple disciplines that work together in the onlot treatment and disposal program in Pennsylvania. The present membership includes Sewage Enforcement Officers, Engineers, Soil Scientists, Installers, Septic Inspectors, and Service Providers.
We are currently preparing for our Spring Educational Session which aims to broaden the knowledge of our members and attendees of all disciplines. Past sessions have earned SEO’s (2) credit hours.
Our national Mega-Conference, hosted by NOWRA, is held annually in different locations each year throughout the USA.
We hope you consider the organization that offers the following benefits:
Free or low-cost training sessions offering SEO credits.
Advocacy on state issues of importance.
Included membership in NOWRA which offers additional benefits that include:
* Septic Locator – which is a national searchable directory of providers of onsite wastewater services
* Resource Library
* Newsletter
* Low-cost Errors and Omissions Insurance
* Equipment loan discounts
* Office supplies discounts
* National advocacy with a lobbyist in Washington, D.C.
Sign up for the latest news, events and innovations in wastewater recycling.
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